I love Martha. I've loved her for a long time. This year she's selling
turkeys. When she announced this on her show today I thought,
"I'm sure they will be more expensive than your average bird but the quality is sure to be there".
Then she sweetened the deal with the announcement that, till midnight tonight, if you added the code Martha15 at checkout you would save $15.00. Wow! That's quite a savings !
So I checked it out.....
12 lb. Turkey.....................69.99
18 lb Turkey......................89.99
No,that's not a typo. Martha wants you to pay $5.00 and up per pound for a turkey.
Okay, okay you may say. It's Martha quality. And it can't be easy to ship a turkey. But shipping is
not included in that price.
I checked shipping rates for my address....
12 lb. Turkey...................45.44
18 lb. Turkey...................58.25
So, Martha, even with the great $15.00 off offer I will not be buying my turkey from you this year. I think I can buy a turkey and all the fixings for side dishes and desserts and a bowl of nuts for what you want me to pay for one turkey.
Thanks for the offer, though.
I do still love you.
But I liked you a whole lot more before you were such a shill.
What do you think?