This was one of those jobs that was a joy and a pain to do. I love the fabric, a sunny golden silk that is an unusual 118"W, with the stripes running horizontally. I was a bit of a wreck about the length of the panels, lined and interlined!

I install 99% of the jobs I do. In this case I told the designer that she would have to hire someone to do the installation. I'm not a real lover of heights; ski lifts..yeah, ladders..no! I have an eight foot ladder and if I can avoid going higher, I will. The man who installed these panels and the high Butterfy Balloons was pretty easy-going about the death-defying act of Window Treatment installation.

The panels obviously were done with the stripe running horizontally, as the fabric ran. The Buterfly Balloons (also known as London Shades) were done with the stripe running vertically.

I was very happy , as were the Designer and client , with the way they turned out. Just a beautiful, sunny room.
I think that's one of my favorite rooms you've ever done. Those are beautiful, and I love the piano.