I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I did. It was a very relaxing morning..a little too relaxing for Hendrix , our cat. He indulged in more than his share of
catnip and lounged on the deck rail all day. Later in the afternoon we went to my sister's house for a cook-out and had a great time.

I wish you could smell these apple blossoms. It should be a very good year for our apples judging by the abundance of blooms.

I'll trim the suckers away from the trunk....I just love the look of this.

There are so many things in bloom...

about to bloom.....

and just starting to fade. I love this time of year so much.

The Lamb's Ear is looking good...

Columbine coming up...

And I can't wait for my Peonies to pop!

Everything else in the yard is doing so well...we are at a loss to figure out why we've had such a hard time with our lawn! This year we decided to start from scratch. We have been trying for what seems like many years to restore the lawn with over-seeding and fertilizing with NO success. We thought we would have it hydro-seeded but a few unexpected expenses ( hello hot water heater...hello washing machine!) and some expected expenses (hello tuition!) have made that impossible. We are planning to seed the lawn tonight. B. has worked so hard on this I really hope it turns out well. Any advice out there for a new lawn? I'll keep you posted.
I love your pictures. I miss lambs ear. I really need to plant some.