Do you remember that corny old saying from the seventies...the one overused in posters everywhere?
"Today Is the First Day of the Rest of your life".
Never has it seemed so real to me.
Above are A and Notanseladams on the grounds of the lovely Plimpton House at Amherst College.
We dropped her off on Monday.. and we now..after 25 and a half years...have an empty nest.
I'm sure she will love it here. I would move in if I could! There are fireplaces in the common areas...IN A DORM !...and a lovely front hall with a gorgeous wide and winding staircase.
Her room has two..count 'em..two giant windows and high, high ceilings.There is enough room to move in a sofa! It is the first housing she has stayed in that I would actually consider staying overnight .
Notanseladams and I are looking forward..bittersweetly, to this next stage of our lives. We're not completely empty really...E will be coming home for weekends since his school is only 45 minutes away.
Those are some rocking shades. =)
ReplyDeleteWow, what an amazing building. I can only imagine living there. Thanks once again for popping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteThat's very nice place to live :D Ciao Italo.
ReplyDeleteI can so relate to this. We aren't empty nesters with a junior in high school, but with our darling at college it's quite a change. She's at Bennington. Nothing like these New England colleges for atmosphere.